2016-10-05 08:23:00
Having come a long way in the RF-part of my current security project, I decided to dive into the hardware part of my research. The past few weeks have been spent with a loupe, my trusty multimeter, a soldering iron and some interesting hardware!
Cracking the shell of the Kerui G19 shows a pretty nice PCB! All ICs and components are on the backside, the front being dedicated to the buttons and the business end of the LCD panel. Opening the lid on the back immediately shows what look like unterminated service pins (two sets of'm), which is promising.
What's less promising, is that the main IC is completely unmarked. That makes identifying the processor very hard, until I can take a crack at the actual firmware. My initial guess was that it's some ARM7 derivative, because the central panel mostly acts like a dressed-down feature phone with Android. A few weeks later that guess feels very, very off and it's most likely something much simpler. As user PedroDaGr8 mentioned on my Reddit thread about the PCB:
"Most people would assume an ARM in this case. In reality, it might be ARM, PIC, AVR, MIPS, FPGA, CPLD, H78, etc. Any of these could fulfill this role and function. It often depends on what the programmer or programming team is familiar with. I have seen some designs from China before, that used a WAY OVERKILL Analog Devices Blackfin DSP processor as the core. Why? Because it was cheaper to use the guys they had that were proficient at programming in Blackfin than to hire new guys for this one product."
So until I can analyse the firmware, the CPU could be just about anything! :D
There are many great guides online, on the basics of hardware hacking, like DevTTYs0's "Reverse engineering serial ports" or Black Hills Security's "We can hardware hack, and you can too!". Feeling confident in their teachings I took to those service pins with my multimeter. Sadly, both rows of pins had an amount of pins that's not consistent with UART consoles but I didn't let that discourage me. Based on the measured voltages I hooked up my PL2303 UART-to-USB, to see if I could find anything useful.
No dice. Multiple pins provided output onto my Picocom console, often with interspersed Chinese unicode characters. But no pins would react to input and the output didn't look anything like a running OS or logging.
Between the lack of identification on the CPU and the lack of clear UART ports, it was time for hard work! I took a page from the book of Joffrey Czarny & Raphaël Rigo ("Reverse engineering hardware for software reversers", slide 11) and started mapping out all the components and traces on the PCB. Instead of using their "hobo method" with GIMP, I one-upped things by using the vector editor InkScape. My first few hours of work resulted in what you see above: a mapping of both sides of the PCB and the interconnections of most of the pins.
Thus I learned a few things:
Status for now: lots of rewarding work and I have a great SVG to show for it. And I've gotten to know my Arduino and PL2303 a bit better. But I haven't found anything that helps me identify an OS or a console port yet. I'll keep at it!!
kilala.nl tags: work, sysadmin,
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Posted by Thomas
Hey there,
I honestly have no idea, I'm sorry. That's not something I have researched yet, so I have no knowledge of LCD panels and their specifics.
All content, with exception of "borrowed" blogpost images, or unless otherwise indicated, is copyright of Tess Sluijter. The character Kilala the cat-demon is copyright of Rumiko Takahashi and used here without permission.
2018-08-12 14:07:00
Posted by master
hello. Found your article about hardware hacking in Kerui g19 panel. I also having such and thought maybe you can help identify what driver is LCD panel running? Mine has been dead (only backlit) and I want to change this LCD. bought one replacement without specific knowledge in parameters, it wasn't working at all.
do you have idea what type of LCD its using? I see that its having 2.4' 36pin and seems 8bit colour panel (from part number at the back).
thanks if you can help with some info for me.