2011-06-14 22:44:00
As I wrote earlier, last weekend I learned that many aspects of my kendo suck. As my teachers suggested I set up a camera to record about fifteen minutes worth of shomen strikes, both with and without fumikomi.
With my layman's eyes I notice the following:
There's plenty more to learn, so I'll be rewatching that clip a few times more. Below is just a small excerpt, so folks can make fun of me :P
kilala.nl tags: sports, kendo,
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Posted by Thomas
My right hand is a known flaw. And the lack of left foot is because for some stupid reason I decided not to do a follow-through on my fumikomi... which is stupid =_=
Thanks François :)
Posted by Ben (website)
I agree too much right hand. Both arms should be straight at the end of the cut. When someone is using too much right hand only their right arm is straight, their left arm will be bent, as yours is. If you were my student I would recommend left hand only suburi as homework. You need to educate your left hand to be the power hand at all times, and re-educate your right hand to be only for control, not power.
I disagree with you that your swings are two-step. They are one movement AFAICS: there is no pause at the top of the swing. They are not fast, but fast is overrated I reckon.
Hang in there. Anyone with the humility to put their flaws on the web will surely improve in time. b
Posted by Thomas
Hi Ben, thank you for stopping by!
Left-hand suburi is something I've put on my list last week, after my teachers pointed out the same thing that you and François noticed. You guys've got good eyes :) Thank you for your observations and for your encouraging words.
Sadly the weather in the Netherlands is pretty crappy this week, so I can't practice outside. I'm looking forward to better weather later this week.
Posted by Ben (website)
You can still do suburi sitting in seiza! Especially one handed (katate) suburi. b
All content, with exception of "borrowed" blogpost images, or unless otherwise indicated, is copyright of Tess Sluijter. The character Kilala the cat-demon is copyright of Rumiko Takahashi and used here without permission.
2011-06-19 10:24:00
Posted by François
To much right hand and no pushing with the left foot when moving