2011-06-02 21:47:00
Tonight's practice with Martijn wasn't as serious as it could've been. We were a slight bit hurried, I'm nursing a cold, he'd sprained his back and we were giggly. Oh well, as long as we keep that out of the dojo it's fine ~_^
A few things I'm taking away from tonight:
- I'll contact our local gym about their wooden floored dojo. We're quite interested to see how expensive it'd be to rent that for two hours on a saturday morning. The Renshinjuku dojo summer break is coming up and we'd like to continue kendo with at least a few of our classmates.
- I should expand my personal training schedule with two extra exercises: strings of men with fumikomi-ashi without steps in between and men with only my left hand.
- My seme is severely lacking, if non-existent. Right now I couldn't threaten a wet noodle, let along another kenshi.
- I need to retie both the tsuru and the nakayui on my shinai. After stripping it, I didn't put it back together tight enough.
Speaking of my personal training schedule, right now I try to do the following once or twice a week (aside from my sessions with Martijn and the Saturday morning in the dojo). This list actually matches the warming up suburi we do at the dojo, but ups the amounts quite a lot.
- 2x 50x jogeburi
- 2x 50x jogeburi with zenshin kotai okuri-ashi
- 2x 50x men suburi with zenshin kotai okuri-ashi
- 2x 30x double men suburi with zenshin kotai okuri-ashi
- 2x 20x haya-suburi footwork
- 2x 30x haya-suburi men
- Kendo kata #1 through #3, both shidachi and uchidachi
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