2021-02-06 21:59:00
Durning the CDP class, one of the tools that gets discussed is Trufflehog. TLDR: yet another secrets scanner, this one built in Python.
I ran into an odd situation running Trufflehog on my internal Gitlab CICD pipelines: despite running it against the intentionally vulnerable project Django.nv, it would come back with exit code 0 and no output at all.
Why is this odd? Because it would report a large list of findings:
But whenever I let Gitlab do it all automated, it would always come up blank. So strange! All the troubleshooting I did confirmed that it should have worked: the files were all there, the location was recognized as a Git repository, Trufflehog itself runs perfectly. But it just wouldn't go...
I still don't know why it's not working, but I did find a filthy workaround:
stage: build
allow_failure: true
image: python:latest
- pip3 install trufflehog
- git branch trufflehog
- trufflehog --branch trufflehog --json . | tee trufflehog-output.json
paths: [ "trufflehog-output.json" ]
when: always
If I first make a new branch and then hard-force Trufflehog to look at that branch locally, it will work as expected.
kilala.nl tags: work, sysadmin, studies,
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