2006-08-10 13:48:00
While working on the $CLIENT-internal package for the Nagios client (net-SNMP + NRPE + Nagios scripts + Dell/HP SNMP agent), I've been learning about compound RPM packages. I.e., packages where you combine multiple source .TGZs into one big RPM package. This requires a little magic when it comes to running the various configure and make scripts. Luckily I've found two great examples.
* SPEC file for TCL, a short SPEC file that builds a package from two source .TGZs.
* SPEC file for MythTV, a -huge- SPEC file that builds multiple packages from multiple source .TGZs, along with a very dynamic set of configure rules.
kilala.nl tags: work, other tech, unix, sysadmin,
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