2010-01-31 07:46:00
Yesterday I received an email from the NLUUG (dutch Unix users group) conference bureau:
Dear Thomas,
We have received your abstract for the NLUUG spring conference 2010. We would like to thank you for your submission and your patience.
It is our pleasure to inform you that your abstract has been chosen by the program committee to be presented on May 6th.
Holy carp! This means that I'll be getting on stage, in front of 50-200 Unix admins, my peers if you will. The last time I got in front of a big crowd it was thirty high school juniors, so this is going to be just a -little- bit different. =_=;
Yeah, this is a little scary, aside from being uber-exciting :)
kilala.nl tags: sysadmin, unix,
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Posted by Thomas
Yeah! Tell me a little more about how that worked out for you!
I'm very much interested to hear about your experiences speaking at NLUUG. I know their organisation has changed somewhat over the years, but anything you can tell me about the whole process would be very welcome. I can use some reassurance :)
Posted by Edmond
I did it twice, actually. First on the national conference in Ede and the second time was at the 2002 SANE conference in Maastricht.
Though a bit scary, it was a very nice and thrilling experience really. Not sure how NLUUG is organized these days, but back then it was a nice team of people giving the support a rookie like me needed so dearly. :)
The thing that I recall best is the composition of the public; 2% is asleep, 20% is just there to get away from the office, 10% is there to annoy you and ask stupid and/or irrelevant questions and 68% will actually show up because they're interested in the topic. (Percentages may vary) :)
Surely I can tell you more, but maybe a phone call is better.
Good luck with writing the paper.
Posted by Thomas
> Surely I can tell you more, but maybe a phone call is better.
I'll agree with you on that... Or a Skype / iChat...
Better yet, if you weren't that far away down south we could actually have that dinner we were planning on having years ago ;)
Posted by Thomas
That'll be the 6th of May. I don't know which timeslot I'm in yet, but we'll see.
Posted by Edmond
Now I understand what you meant with 'far away down south'. I keep forgetting that you've moved... Sorry about that. :)
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2010-01-31 12:40:00
Posted by Edmond
Congrats. This is indeed really exciting. Reminds me of my first time at the 2000 spring conference. :)