Check_boks_rootpw - Script for monitoring of root password consistency

2010-01-10 21:51:00

In a BoKS domain root passwords are stored in a number of locations. In order to guarantee proper functioning of the root password one will need to verify that the password stored in all three locations is identical. The three locations are:

Brpf in this case stands for "BoKS Root Password File". It is used to allow the root user to login through a system's console if the BoKS client cannot communicate with the master server.

This script uses functionality from the boks_new_rootpw.ksh script to test all three locations of the BoKS root password.

Usage of check_boks_rootpw

./check_boks_rootpw.ksh [[-h HOST] [-H HG] [-i FILE] | -A] [-x HOST] [-X HG]  [-d -o FILE] [-f FILE]

-h HOST		Verify the root password for HOST. Multiple -h entries allowed.
-H HGROUP	Verify the root passwords for HOST GROUP. Multiple -H entries allowed.
-i FILE		Verify the root passwords for all hosts in FILE.
-A 		Verify the root passwords for ALL hosts.
-x EXCLUDE	Hosts to exclude (when using -H or -A). Multiple -x entries allowed.
-X EXCLUDEHG	Host groups to exclude (when using -A). Multiple -X entries allowed.
-f FILE		Log file that lists errors in root password files. Default logs into $BOKS_var.
-d 		Debug mode. Provides error logging. Does a dry-run, not doing any updates.
-o FILE		Output file for debugging logs. Required when -d is passed.

./check_boks_rootpw.ksh -h HOST1 -h HOST2 -f $BOKS_var/root.txt
./check_boks_rootpw.ksh -A -d -o /tmp/foobar

Multiple -h, -H, -i, -x and -X parameters are allowed.


This script is meant to be called as a Tivoli numeric script. Hence both the output and the exit code are a single digit. Please configure your numeric script calls accordingly:

0 = OK, everything OK.
1 = WARNING, an wrong parameter was entered.
2 = SEVERE, a root password is inconsistent. Check log file.
3 = CRITICAL, not used.



Download check_boks_rootpw.ksh
$ wc check_boks_rootpw.ksh 
     467    2162   14401 check_boks_rootpw.ksh

$ cksum check_boks_rootpw.ksh 
3050878034 14401 check_boks_rootpw.ks tags: , ,

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