2009-08-27 08:49:00
BoKS logs all transactions into $BOKS_var/data/LOG, which then gets rotates to another location of your choosing. Every single request that's handled by BoKS gets logged, detailing who did what, where, when and why. If a transaction fails, the servc process will indicate the error message in the log file. This may not always make clear what is wrong (like the infamous and useless ERR223), but it sure helps you in your troubleshooting.
All of the error messages are listed in the BoKS administration manual. However, since a lot of people also chose not to RTFM I thought I might as well copy the list over here ^_^.
You will also find a more up-to-date list of these messages in $BOKS_var/mess.eng, which acts as a translation file between BoKS errors and plain English.
ERR_SERVC_NEED_MORE 2 Sent by servc when it decides it needs more info from a client NEED=something is set in string sent back). |
ERR_SERVC_GAVE_UP 1 Servc cannot get in contact with database. |
ERR_SERVC_COMM_ERROR -1 Communication error. Probably wrong nodekey. Set a new nodekey on the machine. Check also that xservc is running by using lsmqueid. |
ERR_SERVC_READ_ERROR -2 Read error from database |
ERR_SERVC_WRITE_ERROR -3 Write error to database |
ERR_SERVC_CORRUPT_BASE -4 Erroneous database |
ERR_SERVC_NO_AUTH -5 No authorization |
ERR_SERVC_UNKNOWN_HOST -6 Host unknown |
ERR_SERVC_NO_SERVC -7 Call to servc failed |
ERR_SERVC_UNKNOWN_CLIENT -8 Unknown client type |
ERR_SERVC_BAD_ARGS -9 Internal BoKS Manager error. Argument format error. |
ERR_SERVC_OLDPSW_CHANGE -100 The password is too old. Must be changed. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_SHORT -101 The password is too short. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_USE11 -102 At least one digit and one letter in the password. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_USE22 -103 At least two digits and two letters in the password. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_ISSAME -104 The password is similar to the username. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_ISUSED -105 The password has already been used. |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_INVALID -106 Invalid password |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_CHANGED -107 Password changed |
ERR_SERVC_NEW_MISMATCH -109 The new passwords don't match |
ERR_SERVC_PSW_LOOKALIKE -110 Password does not differ enough from the previous one |
ERR_SERVC_NO_USER -200 The user doesn't exist, will not be displayed even if verbose mode is on |
ERR_SERVC_WRONG_PSW -201 Wrong password. |
ERR_SERVC_OLDPSW -202 The password is too old. |
ERR_SERVC_NO_TTY -203 No terminal authorization granted. |
ERR_SERVC_NO_TIME -204 Access denied at this hour. |
ERR_SERVC_USER_BLOCKED -205 The user is blocked. |
ERR_SERVC_TTY_LOCKED -206 The terminal is blocked. |
ERR_SERVC_TOO_MANY_TRIES -207 Too many erroneous login attempts. |
ERR_SERVC_OLD_USER -208 The username is not valid. |
ERR_SERVC_WRONG_SYSPSW -209 Wrong system password |
ERR_SERVC_STDLOGIN -211 Tells client that standard unix login should be used |
ERR_SERVC_MISSING_SYSPSW -212 Missing system password |
ERR_SERVC_NO_REMHOST -213 Remote host missing |
ERR_SERVC_BAD_REMHOST -214 Calling host not authorized |
ERR_SERVC_NO_PIN -215 Missing PIN code or serial number |
ERR_SERVC_WRONG_SPIN -216 Wrong password (SPIN) |
ERR_SERVC_NO_LOGIN -217 Login not allowed |
ERR_SERVC_NO_SUTO -218 SU to user not allowed |
ERR_SERVC_GETKEY_EXHAUSTED -217 # SLAN Login not allowed |
ERR_SERVC_GETKEY_CANTDEL -218 # SLAN SU to user not allowed |
ERR_SERVC_PASSWD_TOO_NEW -219 Not long enough since last password change |
ERR_SERVC_TOO_MANY_CONCUR_LOGINS -220 Too many concurrent logins with your name |
ERR_SERVC_CERT_REVOKED -221 Certificate revoked |
ERR_SERVC_USERPROTO -222 User-level protocol error (currently from dgsadasp) |
ERR_SERVC_AUTH_FAIL -223 Authentication failed (currently from bosas) |
kilala.nl tags: boks, sysadmin,
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