2004-11-11 21:55:00
The way things are looking right now I'll be writing a whole series of articles for the discerning system admin :) As you know I finished an article on the crafting of proposals a week or so ago. Now I'm also planning to do articles on "keeping personal and project plannings" and on "catastrophe management".
I'll also be using my lovely Powermac G5 for something completely new today! At the office we lost two passwords for NIS+ credentials and luckily we managed to retrieve what we _think_ are the encrypted passwords strings. So now I'll try and use John the Ripper to crack the passwords. I've no clue how long this'll take and I hope I can get things finished before the 20th. 'Cause that's when I need the damn passwords :)
kilala.nl tags: work, writing,
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