2024-12-16 12:22:00
"Well dress me up and call me grandma!"
In an absolutely wacky twist on things, I took both LPIC 101 and 102 exams tonight, back to back, with NOTHING having changed on my profile or my ID.
This, hot on the heel of my experience on December 8th, where I was refused from taking an exam because my initials aren't on my drivers' license.
I retried taking 101 like last Sunday, with the exact same profile and drivers' license: the proctor was friendly, helped me out and let me take my exam. Then not an hour later I took 102 and I didn't even speak to anyone! The proctor checked my photos, didn't interact with me at all, the exam just started on its own.
Exact same LPI profile, exact same government ID, three different outcomes: one refusal based on my ID, one acceptance based on my ID, one acceptance without any ID check.
Pearson VUE identity validations during OnVue exams are unpredictable, and it's clear their proctors don't follow the same rules all the time.
kilala.nl tags: studies,
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