2014-07-29 21:32:00
Yes, this blog has been quiet for quite a while. In part this is because I've put most of my private stuff behind logins, but also because I've had my professional development on a backburner due to my book translation.
But now I've started studying for my RHCE certification. A year ago (has it been that long?!) I achieved my RHCSA, which I'll now follow up with the Engineer's degree. Red Hat will still offer the RHEL6 exams until the 19th of december, so I'd better get my ass in gear :)
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2014-07-29 21:27:00
Oh happy day! I've been using F.Lux on my Macs for years now and my eyes thank me for it. This great piece of software will automatically adjust the color temperature of your computer's screen, based on your location and light in your surroundings.
During the day your screen's white will be white, but in the evenings it'll slowly turn much more orange. During this change you won't even notice it's happening, but the end result is awesome. You'll still be seeing "white" but with much less eyestrain. Even better: supposedly the smaller amount of blue light will help in falling asleep later on.
Now that I've started studying for my RHCE exams, I'm working extensively on CentOS again. Hellooooo bright light!
But not anymore. Turns out that xflux is a thing! It's a Linux daemon that quite literally is F.Lux, for Linux. No more burnt out corneas!
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All content, with exception of "borrowed" blogpost images, or unless otherwise indicated, is copyright of Tess Sluijter. The character Kilala the cat-demon is copyright of Rumiko Takahashi and used here without permission.