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<< 8 / 2006 10 / 2006 >>

Nagios Conference, aftermath

2006-09-24 09:04:00

So I made it back home in one piece. My trip back took me around 7.5 hours, which was mostly due to me driving a little bit faster :p

I have to say that the A45 route up north is much less glamorous than the A3 :( The Rast Hofe all look much older and less fancy than the ones on the A3. Ah, but they sufficed anyway...

I'm thinking of moving my summaries from the previous blog posts into one big page in the Sysadmin section. Reckon that should prevent Google from raising the Archives above the Sysadmin section when it comes to Nagios.

/me starts immediately. tags: , , , ,

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Nagios Conference, day 2

2006-09-22 23:27:00

< moved to Sysadmin section, to keep Google from messing up > tags: , ,

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Nagios Conference, intermission

2006-09-21 17:10:00

Astounding by the way, the amount of Apple laptops I see around here. Less than at SANE'06, but still, around 35%. o/ tags: , ,

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Nagios Conference, day 1

2006-09-21 17:01:00

< moved to Sysadmin section, to keep Google from messing up > tags: , ,

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Nagios Conference, intermission

2006-09-21 14:19:00

For the conference I had Snow buy me the iMic and a nice Philips microphone. For now though, I'm not completely happy with the setup.

* The mic is omnidirectional and thus doesn't pick up much of what person out in front is telling, while it does pick up quite a loot of noise from the room.

* iMic is a USB device and it seems that it claims enough CPU resources to mess with the rest of my system :(

Lunch was nice though! <3 tags: , ,

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Nagios Conference, day 0

2006-09-20 23:21:00

< moved to Sysadmin section, to keep Google from messing up > tags: , ,

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Off to Germania I go!

2006-09-19 21:13:00

The next few days I'll be in Germania... Nurnberg, to be precise.

Together with around eighty other Nagios administrators and experts I'll be attending the first, annual Nagios Conference. Over the course of two days, we'll get a chance to meet up together, exchange ideas and generally have a go at improving both Nagios and our knowledge of the software. I'm looking forward to it quite a lot.

Maybe I'll even meet up with a few of the mailing list members :) I'll bring the camera and I'll try to snap a few quick pics. tags: , , ,

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Learn something new every day

2006-09-14 21:18:00

Creating my own, custom icon set for Mac OS X will be quite large a job I've learned so far :)

Basically what it boils down to, is that you:

* Create a nice icon using something like Gimp of Paintshop.

* Create an icon template using IconoGrapher.

* Size your icon down to 128x128, 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16. These four images will be used in Iconographer.

* Each "size" also requires that the mask you need is of the appropriate size.

* All of this rolled together makes a "new style" OS X icon, that can be used all through the OS.

Shit loads of work, but very interesting!

Here's the first six I've created so far. What you cannot see in this image (due to the lack of Alpha stuff), is that each icon has nice rounded corners.

From left to right: Chicken of the VNC, Adium, Adium offline, Adium away, Adium idle, Adium alert. The five Adium icons are bundled into an icon package that can be installed in Adium. The first Adium icon is used in the IconoGrapher template. tags: , ,

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<< 8 / 2006 10 / 2006 >>