2004-09-22 20:01:00
In the menu of the Sysadmin section you will also find a link to a small erratum which I wrote after reading Rick Bushnell's book. As you can see I found quite a number of errors. I also e-mailed this list to Prentice Hall publishers and hope that they will make proper use of the list.
kilala.nl tags: unix, writing, work, sysadmin,
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2004-09-22 13:26:00
Booyeah! While I can't say that I aced the SCNA exam, I'm still extremely happy with my score: an 89% (52 out of 58 scored questions).
kilala.nl tags: work, awesome, studying,
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2004-09-15 22:13:00
Well, it took me a couple of days, but finally it's done: my summary own the "SCNA study guide" by Rick Bushnell (see the book list). I'll be taking my first shot at the SCNA exam in about a week (the 22nd, keeping my fingers crossed), so I'm happy that I've finished the document. I thought I'd share it with the rest of you; maybe it'll be of some use.
All 29 pages are available for download as a PDF from the Sysadmin section.
kilala.nl tags: studying, writing, unix, work, sysadmin,
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